
Zoning Amendments

A zoning by-law is a document used to guide development and regulate land use within a community. A zoning by-law may contain rules about:

  • permitted uses
  • size of lots
  • buildings and fences
  • access
  • parking
  • signage
  • setbacks

If a proposed use does not fit the zoning by-law, a zoning amendment may be sought. A site plan drawn to scale and a description of the proposed use must be submitted to staff for review, along with the fee. Staff will review the submission and the PRAC will make a recommendation, but final decision is left to the Council (municipal) or Minister (unincorporated). The rezoning process takes 4-6 months and includes a public hearing.

Plan Amendments

Depending on the complexity of the application, further amendments may be required. Please consult with staff on the full process.