Some land use decisions can be appealed to the Assessment and Planning Appeal Board. An appellant may be a developer or a person affected by a development/planning decision.
The affected party must file a Notice of Appeal with the Assessment and Planning Appeal Board. An appeal must be made within 60 days of the decision and 10 days of the posting of permit or non-confirming use standards. Once the Chair of the appeals board has received the necessary information he/she will set a date, time and place for the appeal hearing. The Board will give all parties at least a 14-day notice of the hearing. The appellant has 7 days to apply for a dismissal to be set aside and have a new hearing date set.
Once all evidence and testimony is made the appeals board will meet privately to discuss the case and reach a decision which is issued in writing to all parties. If any party is unsatisfied with the decision of the Board, this decision may be appealed to the Court of the Queen’s Bench for judicial review.
More information can be found here.